Make Earth Day Everyday

*Take care of the earth and she will take care of you* 

Greeting families!
As you know, our classroom has been focused on environmental justice. Their passion for taking care of Earth has impacted their learning and their lives! Earth day is April 22nd and we will be celebrating in many ways within our classroom.  We want to invite you to celebrate with us! We would like to challenge you to bring a waste free lunch on April 19th and April 20th.
Here is a link on how you can do it!
We know this can be difficult to do but our goal is to make an impact in your home for change. The children have inspired us, the teachers, to change our lives at home. What better way to show our children they make a difference than by listening to their thoughts and concerns!
On April 22nd we invite you to do one thing for our Earth to celebrate worldwide. Here are some ideas:
·         Start a conversation about recycling and what you can do to at home to make a difference. One small change at a time can slowly become many changes. By the time you know it, your home can be GREEN!
·         Plant something.
·         Take time to clean your neighborhood playground.
·         Use reusable shopping bags. Each year, the world uses around 500 billion plastic bags, many of which end up in our rivers and oceans. Just think of the difference we could make if we all made this simple switch!
·         Start composting
·         Reduce. Cut back on the amount of 'stuff' that could later end up as waste.
·         Reuse. Upcycle! Take something that is disposable and transform it into something of greater use and value.
·         Do more research as a family and find what works for your family.
If you're family is already living green, take it to the next level. There are more ways to make a difference!
Happy Earth Day!
"Unless someone like you cares a whole lot, nothing is going to get better. It's not. "
-The Lorax 


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